
The blueMSX emulator is based on fMSX 2.7 by Marat Fayzullin. Most of features have been rewritten and added. Only about 80% of the Z80 emulation and 10% of the VDP emulation remains from the original fMSX source.
The following list contains some of the new or improved features:

   Unique blueMSX Features
The cassette interface allows you to see all contents on the tape and set current position to the beginning of any file on the tape. The cassette position can also be remebered when ejecting a tape and inserting it at a later time.

Powerful graphical user interface for machine configruations that allows confgiruation of memory and IO devices.

Emulation speed can be reduced or increased while running a game. The emulator can also run at maximum capacity while a designated hotkey is presesd.

Two types of TV monitor emulation that includes noise to increase the fealing of an old TV when using LCD monitors.

Virtual FDD (disk drive) interface that allows you to change between numbered disks with just one key klick.

   General Emulation
 NEW Choice between a classic interface and the DIGIblue interface with visualisation of the audio outputs and more indicators about the emulated machine and his working
 IMPROVED Multiple language support
  Great choice of default configurations
  Better memory layout emulation, including CMOS
  An user friendly machine editor that allows the user to build his own configurations and to emulate specific machines
 IMPROVED Extended support for different types of roms and megaroms
Improved support of all games with SRAM
 NEW Customizable shortcuts editor : the user can remap a long list of features to keys, combinations or keys or to the joypad buttons
 IMPROVED Many hotkeys for a more user-friendly emulation
  Quick save feature with filenames with sequence number which makes it easy to restart emulation from an old saved state.
  Better state save : it saves the entire state, including machine configuration, joystick and mouse configs; the saved states are zipped and backwards compatible
  Better performance by disabling of the Windows screensaver and the Windows menu keys
 IMPROVED The emulator only uses as much CPU time as it needs

   Video related features
  Supports 16 and 32 bit color
 IMPROVED DirectX support
  PAL video emulation with support for three modes:
    - No PAL (The only mode all MSX emulators so far provides).
    - Sharp, with or without noise
    - Blurry, with or without noise
The noise gives a more authentic feeling when running the emulator on an LCD monitor.
 NEW Gamma/Brightness/Contrast/Saturation controls
 IMPROVED Horizontal and vertical stretch + slider for adaptable scanlines on all monitor modes.
  Scale2x monitor emulation
  Improved timing with excellent results in demos like Almost Real, Metal Limit, Turnix 2 and Unknown Reality
  Correct overscan behaviour
  Correct specific palettes of colors (MSX1, MSX2/2+)
 IMPROVED Screenshot feature

   Sound related features
 IMPROVED New PSG (AY8910 sound chip) emulation. Much better synchronization and DA emulation
  SCC emulation
  FM-PAC (YM2413 sound chip) emulation
 IMPROVED MSX-AUDIO (Y8950 sound chip) emulation
  Moonsound emulation
  Mono and Stereo sound
  Advanced mixer control where the volume and pan of each sound chip can be set in realtime
  Audio capture feature

   File support
 IMPROVED Support for many types of mappers
  Autodetecting ROM images
 IMPROVED Extern rom database
 IMPROVED Drag and drop of ROM, DSK, CAS and STA files
    Registration of file types, so double clicking a file starts blueMSX files
  Change of multiple disk with use of a virtual FDD index and indication of the selected disk in a window
  Support of 2 CAS formats : fMSX-DOS and fMSX98/AT
  Saving feature for CAS files
  List of the most recent roms/disks/tapes loaded
  Clearing and setting of number of files in history
 IMPROVED Support for loading zipped ROM/DSK/CAS files. If a zip file contains multiple files, a list with the matching file type is displayed where the user can select the file to load

   Controls support
  Good support of specific keyboards
 IMPROVED Joystick and mouse support